
“…Brian Wildsmith's Amazing World of Words may have changed the genre for good, bringing, as it does, the talents of one of Britain's leading artists to bear on it… exploding with colour and detail.”
Times Educational Supplement

A visiting alien, clad rather like a court jester and travelling in an extravagant Jules Verne fantasy of a spaceship, is landing on earth and encountering for the first time its objects and creatures. Ten to twenty objects and animals are illustrated around the margins of gloriously coloured pen-and- ink drawings; every spread represents a different environment (space, ocean, town, market, dinosaur museum, playground…) and all incite viewers to locate the border subjects within the pictures… As usual with Wildsmith’s work, the animals and birds are superb but there are also some extraordinary renderings of buildings and machines, many recycled from others of his books.

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12 original illustrations followed by extracts from the book.