A Children's Book of the Month Club Selection, USA

Published by Star Bright Books



“…the drawing of the fox and the duck and the delicate handling of the fur and feathers… the tenderness of the wildlife details you can find hidden away in early Italian paintings… and there’s an oriental feel to Wildsmith’s exquisite watercolour technique which perfectly captures the thistledown texture of the duckling, so much so, that you almost feel it, soft and insubstantial in your hands.”
Books For Keeps

Mother Wood Duck’s children are all excellent swimmers - all except one who does nothing but swim round and round in a circle because one foot is bigger than the other. All the forest animals laugh at him, until the day the duckling’s disability helps him save all the other ducklings, and he becomes a hero.

A touching story that will teach children an important lesson about tolerance and individuality.

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